
Web Design Solutions Unleashed Blog

Why a Good Web Site Won’t Cut It Anymore

The folks at Website Magazine had a good article recently about what you need to have a site that works well for you. There was so much good information in this article that we'll have more blogs in the future that focus on a specific section of the article. We...

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Outdated Plugin Caused WordPress Shopping Cart Failure

Clients come to us for our expertise in WordPress Web design. Some clients want us to handle everything while others want to have the ability to make any changes they desire. Even when we give clients the ability to make those changes, we try to give them advice...

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What Has Replaced Your Yellow Pages Budget?

When I was young, I always got a chuckle because my mom kept a yellow pages in the trunk of her car. This was long before the Internet and smart phones. Her reasoning was that she would have a way to find a business while she was away from home. Yes, the yellow...

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Bringing a Landscape Design Firm to the Web

When I think back to my days in middle school, I realize how many friends I made that are still in my life years later. Today we're going to talk about one of those friends. We went in different directions when it came time to go to college. After college, we also...

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Important Information to Provide for Your Web Site

Rarely have a met a Web client that wanted me to spend more time on their site than necessary or to bill them for more hours than needed. Typically they wanted the least expensive site possible. I am happy to work with clients to achieve this goal, but it has the...

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Makeover of Embroidery Web Site

Recently we were asked to makeover a site for a company that does custom embroidery. While there were some aspects of the old site that the client wanted improved, some of the requested changes were related to security. Let's go through some of the visual changes....

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Quick Makeover of Delivery Financial Web Site

A friend called and asked if I could fix a couple of things on his Web site. The first issue was an error message in the sidebar where news should appear. There was also a problem receiving information submitted by the contact form. As I hadn't built the site,...

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Makeover of Christmas Festival Web Site

When we were contacted about making over the site for a local Christmas festival, it was easy to see things that could be improved. The site had used one of the popular do-it-yourself "Web site builders" which limited the look of the site (shown below). The first...

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Mobile Makeover for JC Printing Web Site

With more than half of all Web traffic coming via mobile devices, it is increasingly important to have a site that works well on mobile. Google also encourages mobile-friendly sites by giving them higher ranking than sites that aren't mobile friendly. The JC...

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Important Decisions When Developing An E-Commerce Web Site

There are many elements that go into a successful e-commerce Web site. Yes, it needs to look great. Sadly there are many sites that are in dire need of a makeover. It also needs to be mobile friendly as more and more visitors are using mobile devices. Plus Google...

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Drebelbis Engineering Web Site Makeover

There are some clients that have been with Unleashed for a very, very long time. Someone who attended one of our seminars backs in the early 90s has kept in touch over the years. Most recently it was to update a Web site that hadn't changed much in years. Below is...

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