Web Design Solutions Digest for July 23, 2024

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 23, 2024

WordPress maintenance, Divi Starter Sites, Divi AI Section Generation, Website Builders, SERP secrets, logo design trends and cold-storage banquet. There is never a good time to get sick, but if it had to happen to me then this part weekend was about as good a time as any. It’s just a cold and I should be close to full strength by the time you read this. It still hasn’t been much fun. Meanwhile there was plenty of news this week you can check out below.




Business and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Content Creation

Social Media

Meme of The Week

Each week we’ll share a meme that we find thought provoking or just plain funny.

Kids Cellphone

Food and Drink

If you see some important news that you feel we should share with our readers, please let us know and we’ll consider including it in our next post.

Photo by Faizur Rehman on Unsplash

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 16, 2024

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 16, 2024

WordPress plugins, WP Tavern, Google Analytics, ROI of creators, SEO funnels, Affinity Photo, Canva, YouTube algorithm and hot dogs. It is not uncommon for Web designers to be approached by a scammer who claims to want to pay a healthy price for a new site. Of course those scams are really easy to spot. I recently learned I had conversations with a scammer about a site, but it never moved forward and I’m thankful for that. While I don’t think it is possible to have the perfect process, I do feel I have a good process that weeds out those types of problems. There is a lot of other news this week and you’ll find the headlines below.




Business and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Content Creation

Social Media

Meme of The Week

Each week we’ll share a meme that we find thought provoking or just plain funny.

Train Wreck Dumpster Fire

Food and Drink

If you see some important news that you feel we should share with our readers, please let us know and we’ll consider including it in our next post.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 9, 2024

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 9, 2024

Directory sites, customize WordPress, Divi Quick Sites, start a biz, SEO metrics, Threads birthday, Noplace, Pad Thai and Cilantro. The last few days have been fairly quiet due to the Fourth of July holiday. While I certainly enjoyed some fun with friends, I also used that quiet time to make progress on some projects. There was still news even with the shorter work week and you can read all of the top headlines below.




Business and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Content Creation

Social Media

Meme of The Week

Each week we’ll share a meme that we find thought provoking or just plain funny.


Food and Drink

If you see some important news that you feel we should share with our readers, please let us know and we’ll consider including it in our next post.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 2, 2024

Web Design Solutions Digest for July 2, 2024

Data liberation, supply chain attack, AI landing page, infinite scroll killed, fictional brands, Pinterest stats, emoji meanings and epic sandwiches. Each morning I go for a long walk. Yes, it is good exercise but it also gives me time to think about what’s on my plate for the day. Often I run into a neighbor or two and chat a bit. Now that we’ve hit the hottest time of the year, my walks have gotten a little earlier in the morning and that means I also start working a little earlier and get more done. Do you have something in your day like this? Below you’ll find all the headlines from this week’s news. Check it out!




Business and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Content Creation

Social Media

Meme of The Week

Each week we’ll share a meme that we find thought provoking or just plain funny.

Babe Hands

Food and Drink

If you see some important news that you feel we should share with our readers, please let us know and we’ll consider including it in our next post.

Photo by Amélie Mourichon on Unsplash

Web Design Solutions Digest for June 25, 2024

Web Design Solutions Digest for June 25, 2024

Upload size, build a Divi site, Alt Text, Google leak, SEO challenges, sonic branding, football font, Whee, pasta mistakes and Juneteenth. More than two months ago I first ordered a new washer and dryer. Unfortunately the Web site where they were listed didn’t include important specifications and I had to return the first set. I’m still waiting for another set to arrive. It just points out to me that even very large companies have Web site failures. It is a great idea to check over your site on a regular basis to make sure everything is functional and it has accurate information. For all of this week’s news, check out all the headlines listed below.




Business and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Content Creation

Social Media

Meme of The Week

Each week we’ll share a meme that we find thought provoking or just plain funny.


Food and Drink

If you see some important news that you feel we should share with our readers, please let us know and we’ll consider including it in our next post.

Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash

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