Web Graphics and Photography
It is important that your site looks good!
This starts with choosing a theme that is attractive and allows visitors to easily find the information or products they desire.
The next step is adding graphics and photographs to the site because the old saying “a picture is worth a 1000 words” is still very true.
Graphics is where our company was born! Our principle, Foster D. Coburn III, is the author of thirteen best-selling books on computer graphics as well as numerous articles in the top Internet magazines. His direction allows us to ride the cutting edge of Web site graphics and development.
In addition to the graphics software and knowledge for creating graphics, we also have a large library of artwork that we can customize for you. Should you need a photo, we can look at the libraries of stock photos to find the perfect shot or we could even take some photos for you.
If the best solution for your business is for you to provide graphics and/or photographs, we’ll help you develop the perfect process for creating and posting files that look great on your site.