How to Create Parallax Copy Transitions with Divi’s Sticky Options

How to Create Parallax Copy Transitions with Divi’s Sticky Options

When you’re looking for creative ways to spice up your page designs, parallax effects can come in handy. They bring that extra interaction on scroll without being too invasive. If you’re looking for a way to extend that parallax effect to multiple sections on your page, you’re going to love this tutorial. Today, we’ll show you how to create parallax copy transitions with Divi’s sticky options. As soon as visitors scroll past a certain section, the copy scrolls down with the parallax background image, which gives a really neat effect. As soon as the next section in line is reached, the copy is then replaced with another title. The result we’re going for looks great across all screen sizes and you’ll be able to download the JSON file for free as well!

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