Employee Onboarding: What it is and how to design a process for your company

Employee Onboarding: What it is and how to design a process for your company

After countless rounds of interviews, you have finally found the perfect candidate for the key role you needed to fill in your organization. You want them to love your business as much as you do and to meet productivity goals as soon as possible. To meet both goals, you need an employee onboarding plan.

If you invest in a comprehensive onboarding plan, other benefits you are likely to see are:

  • Decreased employee turnover
  • Increased employee satisfaction
  • Understanding of job expectations and goals
  • Shorter ramp time to job proficiency

All of these benefits contribute to internal efficiency, lead to better customer service and lower costs.

Think of your employee onboarding plan as your first chance to make a good impression for new hires. Alongside new hire training, an effective program shows you take their readiness seriously and that you are committed to helping them succeed from day one. The purpose of this article is to identify key elements of successful onboarding plans that you should consider when setting up your own and resources to help you get started.

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