A Simple Guide to Marketing for Introverts

A Simple Guide to Marketing for Introverts

In practically every profession, marketing is required, especially if you’re a solopreneur who is singularly responsible for running every aspect of your business. Marketing and sales require you to put yourself and your business out there, find people who may be interested in it and then go deep with them to find out what they like, want, need and will benefit from. You need to interact and engage with other people to do that; you can’t market a business in a bubble. However, when it comes to marketing for introverts, that can all feel threatening.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you won’t be able to market effectively. Instead, it means that you’ll find a way of attracting and connecting with clients that’s different from how an extrovert approaches those tasks. You’ll discover marketing techniques that feel natural for you and that helps you do more of what you enjoy and excel at.

What you shouldn’t do is try to swim upstream. If you’re constantly pushing against what feels enjoyable or natural to you, it’ll be impossible to make it work. Today, marketing is all about being authentic, helpful and engaging. Clients and customers want to deal with real people. If you’re busy covering up who you are and forcing being an extrovert, even though it’s not natural, people will see that and be turned off.

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