In the past five-plus years, have you bought anything as minor as a book or as major as a car without reading at least one review first? Probably not. Today, ratings and reviews influence just about all purchase decisions. Businesses have understood this for a long time now, which is why many go out of their way to display good reviews to prospective customers. But sometimes what a businesses chooses to share is not the full story. That’s where a service like Trustpilot comes in.
By hosting business reviews on a third-party platform, customers can be sure they’re seeing all of the business reviews that should be influencing their purchase decision. And businesses with a high average rating can boast about their customer satisfaction, knowing that it’s genuinely difficult to achieve and therefore of high value to both them and their customers alike.
In this post we’ll introduce you to the Trustpilot platform and show you how to display those reviews directly on your WordPress website.